
Scarlett | 22 Week Preemie | NICU Portraits | Charlotte, North Carolina | Krista Gantt Photography


22 weeks 2 days

13 pounds 12.8 ounces

Scarlett is quite the little fighter. She came into this world under one pound! Her story began as one of four quadruplets. She is the only one earth side, but her siblings—Oliver, Amelia, and Vivian—still remain a beautiful part of her family’s story. Recently, the peanut you see below has gained ‘big sister’ status to her little brother Christian, who has already had his newborn session as part of his Baby Plan membership.

Despite the hardships of a pregnancy with quadruplets that ended in preterm deliveries and spending quite some time in the NICU, Scarlett’s parents have a great sense of humor—I always enjoy my time with them. Below, Scarlett’s mother, a nurse, details her family’s journey through a pregnancy with multiples and their time in the NICU.

We knew we would have trouble conceiving. I have PCOS as well as a bicornuate uterus. We did three rounds of IUI. Our last was successful and we were pregnant with quads. We found out we were pregnant in May. The pregnancy was moving along very easily. My husband and I were so excited, and our family and friends couldn’t even believe there were four. At my 21 week MFM appointment my water broke and the immediately sent me to the maternity unit where I stayed until the babies were delivered. It was a roller coaster from that point forward. I went into early labor and had to deliver one baby who we named Oliver. He passed away during the laboring process. We knew God had a bigger plan for him. We call him his sisters’ hero, he held on long enough to buy his sisters more time. The other three were able to hang on for another week. I ended up getting septic and had to have an emergency c-section to deliver the other three babies at 22 weeks and 2 days. One little girl we named Amelia passed away and his hanging out with her brother Oliver. The other two we named Scarlett and Vivian— sassy and feisty little girls keeping the nurses on their toes. This is not how we pictured this adventure in our lives going but we couldn’t have been in a better place. Everyone from the nurses, doctors, and support staff [were] the kindest most compassionate people we could have asked to have care for our family through this time.

Below is a glimpse into Scarlett’s time in the NICU, on a ventilator. You also get to see a sweet moment of kangaroo care with her mother and some hand hugs with mom and dad.

Scarlett’s newborn session after NICU graduation—look how much she’s grown!

Scarlett’s spring session with the peach blossoms at Springs Farm — Scarlett is a big sister!

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Scarlett turns ONE!

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Baby brother Christian snoozes through his newborn session.


Tatiana | 25 Week Preemie | NICU Portraits | Charlotte, North Carolina | Krista Gantt Photography


25 Weeks

1 pound 10.8 ounces

“I couldn’t become pregnant with my husband so we were seen by doctors at REACH and the doctors were able to help me become pregnant with in vitro and we were so excited to finally have a baby!

My water broke at 24.5 weeks and was admitted to the hospital. Tatiana was born 4 days later at 25.2 weeks. She’s the light of our lives and we love her very much!

Being in the NICU is very difficult emotionally and physically, the best advise I can give is to take this journey one day at a time. God is in control, pray every day for your baby, the nurses and the doctors!”

This ‘little lady’ has endured a lot in her first 11 weeks of life, but she is growing and making new developments daily. Growing is hard work for preemies, and Tatianna snoozed through our session!